Thursday, August 6, 2009

Staying Fit Over 40: Massage Chairs Can Brighten You

By Anthony Wright

I know, you get over 40 and now staying fit is an uphill battle. I just learned that as we get older, our metabolism slows down. Women may experience a slowing metabolism in their 30s. Most men do not feel the slowing until their 40s. There is a trilogoy that holds the key to maintaining your metabolic rate. Exercise is key to keep your system flowing. The fuel or your diet is key to getting your metabolism to be efficient. Regular massage chair therapies is the third in the secret triad.

Feeling less energy after you hit 40? This is the metabolism as it begins to slow down. There are ways to counteract it. However, the feeling of less energy can lead to a loss of motivation, especially with women. They struggle with this more than men. The reason is the pressure women have to look good.

You know if you are fit at 40, that it took determination. It took discipline. You may have watched what you ate to prolong the mid life tire. Diet is the first area to help you not eat the wrong foods. Consistency and balance in your diet is important. Stick to natural foods and avoid processed foods.

Fitness over 40 is achieved by eating several small meals a day that consistent of fruits and vegetables and protein. Protein should come in the form of nuts, lean meats, fish, and so on. You should stay away from saturated fats if at all possible.

The next thing that you need to do is get your metabolism started. Movement, not necessarily exercise, is the key in this. Try just moving your arms and legs, stretching, deep breathing. You have to use your body. Use it or lose it!

Look, the important thing is to do some basic, light aerobic exercises. Aerobic means heart and lungs. That means your heart rate increases and you have to breathe harder to increase the oxygen. Start a routine of going for a walk 4 times a week.

Massage therapy is the missing link between diet and exercise. The muscles get worked out but then need to undergo a healing process as they rebuild. Massage therapy helps to keep the muscles resilient while reducing excess toxin build ups. With exercise comes a burning of energy and that waste needs to get flushed out.

The glue to the triad is massage chair therapy. Massage chairs add the convenience of availability. In other words, they are easy to add to your routine. Just take a quick 10 minute recuperation break and feel your vitality improve.

Massage chairs have a variety of treatments in addition to massage therapy. You can find heating elements, stretching systems and even music players. You can apply heat to specific areas of your body to reduce swelling and increase blood flow. Increase your range of motion with a lower body stretch. Or run these in combination as you relax to soothing music.

Does fitness over 40 need to be all bad? Of course not! It is all about balance. Start a routine where it just isn't all no pain, no gain. Massage chairs therapy is a great way to recover and bring out the best. Yes, you have to work harder, but why not also work hard on recovery. This is the way to balance your body and get it in peak performance.

A lot of the secret to fitness over 40 is common sense. Eat a balanced diet without huge meals. Eat less, but eat more often. Exercise with light aerobics 4 to 5 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. Let your body recover with your own massage chair. Perfect for warming up and warming down for exercise is the convenience of a massage chair. Get your life in balance and increase your metabolism to have the vitality you want over 40.

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